HSE CEO and Board

The HSE Board is accountable to the Minister for Health and oversees the HSE on a national level. It is our senior decision-making body and has a series of responsibilities including strategic direction and delivery, risk assessment, and developing the vision and culture of the organisation.

The Board’s main areas of work include:

  • business planning and monitoring
  • running the HSE according to agreed performance standards
  • making recommendations about what decisions can be delegated
  • financial guidance
  • encouraging dialogues between the HSE and government departments, arm’s length bodies, other organisations and the communities the HSE supports

HSE Board

The Board Executive Management team includes its Chief Executive Officer and other Board members.

The HSE Board members bring a range of skills and experience in health policy, governance and finance to guide the HSE. They are appointed by the Minister for Health and the state boards division.

  • Ciarán Devane, Chair
  • Professor Deirdre Madden, Deputy Chair
  • Fergus Finlay
  • Tim Hynes
  • Dr Sarah McLoughlin
  • Aogán Ó Fearghall
  • Dr Yvonne Traynor
  • Professor Fergus O’Kelly
  • Brendan Whelan
  • Anne Carrigy
  • Michelle O’Sullivan
  • Matt Walsh

HSE board meeting minutes

Committees of the board

The Board has set up committees to help and advise it on specific subjects. Each committee has an appointed chairperson, and includes members and non-members of the Board.

The following committees help and advise the Board:

  • Audit and Risk
  • People and Culture
  • Performance and Delivery
  • Safety and Quality
  • Technology and Transformation

Each committee has an appointed Chairperson, and includes members and non-members of the Board.

HSE Chief Executive Offier

Bernard Gloster is the HSE's CEO.

He has more than 30 years experience working in the health service and held a number of senior management positions. These included 9 years as chief officer of HSE Mid-West Community Healthcare and 3 years as Chief Executive of Tusla.

He was appointed CEO of the HSE in December 2022 and took up the position in March 2023.

Contact the HSE Board

You can contact the HSE for any questions for the CEO and Board.

Dr. Steevens’ Hospital
Steeven’s Lane
Dublin 8
D08 W2A8


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