3.1 Current organisational structure as at June 2023
The CTTO presented to the Committee the current eHealth organisation structure. He informed the Committee that since the update provided at its October 2022 meeting, the HSE has completed its 2023 planning process, the ICT & Cyber programme has been mobilised, and the CISO function has been established. The CTTO confirmed that the eHealth team are primarily focused on delivery of the service plan and are also collaborating on options for a future model for Regional Health Authority (RHA) delivery to align with overall approach to RHAs.
The Committee queried whether the organisational structure of digital teams in the RHAs has been signed off and the CTTO confirmed that it was not. The Committee emphasised that a robust governance structure should be in place for the RHAs to ensure nationwide consistency with the implementation of digital health strategy and that a party responsible for ensuring compliance is required. The CIO confirmed that it is planned that this will be the individual RHA Chief with support from the HSE CEO.
3.2 Key technology programmes
3.2.1 Digital Health Strategy update
The CTTO provided the Committee with a status update on the engagement underway in collaboration with the Department of Health on the Digital Health & Social Care Strategic Framework (DoH), and the HSE Digital Health Strategic Implementation Plan (HSE). He advised that the Consultation & Stakeholder Engagement phase of the DoH Digital Health & Social Care Framework 2023-2030 has been completed with significant stakeholder engagement across government, the wider health sector and key stakeholders across the HSE. The HSE team have aligned with the DoH’s framework through collaboration to develop the HSE Digital Health Strategic Implementation Plan. The CTTO confirmed that the strategy is being developed in line with the HSE Capital and Revenue funding plans and cost estimate validation is currently underway.
The Committee discussed the placement of this strategy in relation to other initiatives such as the EU 2030 target for all citizens to have access to electronic health records. It was agreed that this strategy should be brought to the Board as a focus area and that different versions of proposals brought to DPER are outlined.
3.2.2 eHealth division report
The Committee noted the eHealth Division report which was circulated in advance of the meeting. The report is produced for the Department of Health as part of their oversight of the HSE’e eHealth division and is extensive, covering releases, programme updates, staffing, budgets and risks and issues. It was agreed that the report would be shared with Committee for noting going forward.
3.2.3 Integrated Community Case Management System (ICCMS)
M Cooke, K Kissane, PM Crosbie, and M Farnan joined the meeting The CIO provided an update on the ICCMS programme which has an implementation timeframe of 3 years, with first deployment in 2025. The ICCMS programme has been identified as the crucial foundation and key priority development that will facilitate service delivery across all community services nationally improving health & social care as well as staff, patient and service user experience in line with Sláintecare.
The Committee discussed the importance of engagement with GPs during the roll-out of this programme. Committee member F O’Kelly agreed to engage with the College of GPs in relation to this. The Committee also highlighted the need for safeguards in relation to data access on the system. The CTTO confirmed that locking mechanisms will be in place and there will be audit trails to show changes made to records.
The CIO advised that the next stage of the programme’s first significant milestone is the completion of the procurement process for the ICCMS system. The Committee agreed that the ICCMS programme should proceed to the completion of procurement.
CIO and B Murphy left the meeting.
3.2.4 Shared Care Records (SCR)
The CTTO provided an update on the National SCR programme which will make an important contribution to the integration of care between acute and community services, including the shift of services toward the community and the establishment of vertically integrated Regional Health Areas.
The Committee queried whether there will be a universal rollout of any one system and whether this would impact services which already have a form of electronic healthcare record e.g. Children’s Health Ireland and GP services. The CTTO advised that they are seeking a product which will allow different types of records to be viewable on the same system.
The Committee expressed their support for the work completed to date and it was agreed that updates on the programme should continue to be provided to the Committee.
M Cooke, K Kissane, PM Crosbie, and M Farnan left the meeting.