4.1 Introduction - verbal
The CSO provided the Committee with an introductory briefing on the function of the HSE Strategy office, highlighting the areas in which engagement with technology will be most important. In relation to the development and rollout of new tech projects, the Committee highlighted that the CSO office generally needs to ensure clarity of vision; clinician buy-in; broad integration; and a focus on patient centred outcomes.
4.2 Overview of Digital Innovation
4.3 Overview of Key Service Reforms
An overview of Digital Innovation and Key Service Reforms was provided as set out in the briefing papers circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting for consideration. The papers provided an overview in relation to the current status and next steps for Digital Innovation within the HSE including areas such as: Education and Awareness; New Business and Care Models; and next steps for the organisation. It was highlighted that significant progress has been made in recent years to establish an innovation ‘footprint’ within the HSE.
The CSO advised that a number of key reform programmes are being progressed by the HSE. These programmes are seeking to address long standing strategic challenges faced by the Health Service including long waiting lists for scheduled care in hospital and community settings; long waits in Emergency Departments; and very high occupancy levels. The briefing provided an overview of key reforms (Enhanced Community Care, Mental Health, Disabilities and Scheduled care), an overview of what success looks like, reporting arrangements and opportunities for technology and innovation to support reform.
The Committee noted the position in relation to both digital innovation and key service reforms. It was requested that the Committee be provided with an organisational chart which will outline the governance structure falling under both the CSO and the CTTO and highlight where various responsibilities fall. The CSO was also requested to provide an assessment of the many projects currently underway in this area, and also to provide information on the health performance visualisation platform.