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Committees of the board meeting minutes

HSE Strategy and Reform Committee meeting minutes

A meeting of the HSE Strategy and Reform Committee was held on Wednesday 14 January 2025 at 10:00 via video conference.

Meeting details

Committee Members Present

Tim Hynes (Chair), Matt Walsh, Aogán Ó Fearghail, Sarah Barry, Barry Lowry, Martin Mc Cormack.


Brendan Whelan, Derick Mitchell.

HSE Executive Attendance

Damien McCallion (CTTO), Sara Long (REO Dublin and North East), Grace Rothwell (ND Access and Integration Items 2-4), Richard Greene (Chief Clinical Information Officer – Item 4), Ben Cloney (AND Communications and Digital Services - Item 4), Joe Ryan (CRO – Item 5), Miin Alikhan (AND Planning – Item 6), Dara Purcell (Corporate Secretary), Niamh Drew (Deputy Corporate Secretary), Rebecca Kennedy (Office of the Board).

Minutes reflect the order in which items were considered and are numbered in accordance with the original agenda.  All performance/activity data used in this document refers to the latest information available at the time.

1. Committee Members Private Discussion

The Committee held a private session to review the agenda, the relevant papers and approach to conducting the meeting, noting that the focus of the meeting would be to receive updates on key items and to suggest relevant actions as they became apparent.

2. Governance and Administration

2.1 Declarations of Interest

No conflicts of interest were declared.

2.2 Committee Meeting Minutes

The Committee approve the minutes of 11 December 2024.

3. HSE Transformation Programme

The CTTO updated the Committee on the HSE Transformation Programme and the 12 identified priority programmes in the transformation portfolio, confirming that work on the transformation portfolio in Q1 will now focus on establishing the various programmes. A very significant piece of work is involved to ensure that programmes are appropriately aligned with a cohesive and effective approach to cross-programme governance and integrated planning activities involving key stakeholders in HSE centre, in the programmes themselves and within the new health regions. In particular, the appointment of Senior Responsible Officers (SROs) and consistent connection to regions were identified as key enabling factors.

The Committee discussed the staff requirements for the strategic priorities and the CTTO confirmed that there is a workforce plan in development alongside these projects, to ensure appropriate staffing levels. The Committee advised that as the programmes progress, assurance will be required that reform is being appropriately enabled, and that efficient sharing of best practices should assist in this regard. The CTTO advised the strategic priorities will provide opportunities to develop this. The Committee also emphasised the requirement for a comprehensive data and evaluation plan that will drive change

It was agreed that a quarterly review of Transformation Programmes, should be provided to the Committee and that external factors such as political landscape be included. In relation to individual projects, the Committee discussed the requirement for the New Children’s Hospital (NCH) and the new National Maternity Hospital (NMH) to be monitored by the Committee and it was agreed that they would both be standing Committee agenda items.

4. Committee Focus Area

B Cloney and R Greene joined the meeting

4.1 Patient App

The CTTO updated the Committee on the HSE App which is one of the first deliverables under the patient as empowered partner pillar of Digital for Care. The app will become the digital front door for the public to access new digital services such as the National Shared Care Record (NSCR). The app has been identified as a key enabler for a number of the objectives outlined in the 2025 Waiting List Action Plan and 2025 Sláintecare Action Plan.

The CTTO advised that the priority deliverable for 2025 is the availability of all public hospital appointments through the app, and work is under way across the health regions to ensure the availability and consistency of all hospital appointment data. The CTTO confirmed that the app will use myGovID authentication and educational information about accessing the app will be available to users as required. The Committee discussed security measures, including proxy access, and the possible legislative protections which will apply to the apps use.

Committee expressed its full support of the work completed to date and thanked the CTTO and team responsible for the app for their work. It was agreed that the Committee would receive an invite to install the test version of the app and that another update would come to the Committee before its general release.

B Cloney and R Greene left the meeting

5. Risk Management

CRO joined the meeting

The CRO presented the Q3 2024 Corporate Risk Register (CRR) and accompanying Committee extract and metric report to the Committee. The Q3 2024 Corporate Risk Register was reviewed and approved at the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) meeting on the 15th October and subsequently brought to the Audit and Risk Committee. The alignment of CRR entries to the new Board committees, as confirmed by the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, was discussed.

The Committee discussed its allocated risks (R006 Major Infrastructure, R007 Cyber Security, R008 Health Regions, and W006 Climate Change) and a proposal on these risks to be brought to the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee for consideration of risks by other Board Committees.

The Committee advised that risk assurance will be sought via mitigations and there will be an expectation to see clear mitigation thresholds in risk reporting, especially regarding reporting from the Regions. The Committee noted the Q3 2024 CRR and associated documentation. A request is to be made to the relevant ND that an update on the HSE Climate Action Strategy be provided for its next meeting.

CRO left the meeting

6. Corporate Plan 2025-2027

AND Planning joined the meeting

The AND Planning provided a brief verbal update on the Corporate Plan 2025-27 and confirmed that the current draft will be adjusted as required after the new Programme for Government is available and the new Ministers in place. Discussion also ensued about plans for dissemination and staff engagement for which Communications colleagues have already been engaged.

The Committee noted the update and confirmed that it is prepared to support Planning team as required regarding the Corporate Plan’s approval and submission to the Minister for Health and Minister for Children, Disability and Equality.

AND Planning left the meeting

7. Committee Workplan

The Committee discussed the Committee’s workplan for 2025, considering topics which should be included and the format of meetings. The Committee agreed that focus area topics will be based on the Transformation Priority Areas and that the Committee will meet quarterly for full-day meetings with additional online meetings arranged as required. It was agreed that a draft workplan would be circulated for Committee feedback and approval at the next Committee meeting.

8. AOB

No matters arose under this item.

The meeting ended at 13:28.

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