The CCO presented his monthly report to the Committee beginning with a COVID-19 update. This focused on the vaccination programme and the decision to pause use of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccination. The CCO advised that this instruction was given by the Department of Health on advice from the National Immunisation Advisory Committee and was based on a safety signal arising from four unusual clotting events in Norway.
He emphasised that this was a difficult decision to make but public confidence in any vaccination programme is key and the public should be confident that possible safety issues are being recognised. The Committee discussed the possibility of future COVID-19 surges. The CCO advised that there is a fourth wave currently in other European countries and that in Ireland, the 20% week-on-week drop in cases appears to have plateaued.
The ND QID noted this is likely due to the increased transmission rate of the B117 variant. In relation to non-COVID services, the CCO advised that should a fourth wave occur it will greatly impact all activity carried out in hospitals. In relation to extra capacity provided by the private hospital deal, he advised that while some services being provided by the private sector are being stood down, the option remains to re-engage should it be necessary.
The Committee discussed the data provided as part of the National Screening Service Update and noted their concern in relation to the low response to CervicalCheck programme invitation letters. The CCO confirmed that it is the intention of the screening services to facilitate appointments for all those who may have missed an appointment and he will provide an update on the uptake of invites at the next Committee meeting.
The CCO updated the Committee on the work completed to date by the Oversight Group established to ensure the implementation of the recommendations made in the LUH Gynaecology Service Review. He advised that a plan with eleven action areas was developed but some work was suspended in January due to COVID-19 so it is not possible to confirm when they will be completed.
The Committee expressed concern in relation to the planned withdrawal of the Special Measure Team (SMT). It was agreed that the CCO would report on the next steps in relation to this at the next meeting of the Committee. The CCO provided an update on Assessment of Need with reference to a briefing paper from the COO on the Expert Group to evaluate the Assessment of Need Standard Operating Procedure which was circulated to the Committee in advance of the meeting.
The Committee queried whether the HSE is prepared for the care requirements which will come from the reform of the Assessment of Need process. The ND QID advised that to date there has been a focus on meeting the needs of children rather than going through the formal assessment procedure and that although implementation will pose a significant challenge, the review will clearly align with the roll out of the Children’s Disability Networks as well as work under way via the National Clinical Programme for People with a Disability.
In relation to the implementation of the recommendations of the Brandon report, the CCO advised that there are currently four workstreams underway and the HR assessment report is nearing conclusion.
The Committee agreed that the COO should be invited to its next meeting to provide a further update. Finally, the CCO advised that Dr Orla Healy has been appointed as the new National Clinical Lead for Patient Safety. The Committee welcomed this appointment and agreed that Dr Healy should be invited to attend the Committee when she has taken up her role.
The CCO left the meeting