CCO Report
Dr Colm Henry provided a high-level overview on a number of areas, noting the following:
Currently there is a surge with the Omicron variant leading to an increase in cases with the peak expected in mid-January. The focus at the moment is on hospital activity, as absenteeism is high due to staff testing positive and/or having to isolate. He informed the Committee that currently there is an exercise being carried out to distinguish between people in hospital admitted with Covid and those who have been admitted for other conditions who have then acquired Covid.
He informed the Committee that given the threat of the Omicron variant, the HSE has been increasing capacity and updating its operational plan for the booster programme to include expanding opening hours of Vaccination Centres to 12 hours a day, seven days a week (incl. additional resources). General Practice is assisting with over 1m booster doses administered to date and the amount of participating pharmacies increasing from ca. 700 to increase to ca. 1,000 by the end of January. The Committee noted the huge impact of general practice and pharmacies throughout the pandemic.
The CCO also provided a briefing on the development of new treatments for COVID-19, which are recommended for use in defined population sub-groups where the benefits of the treatment have been shown to, or are likely to, outweigh the risk. These are new treatments, and patients who receive them will be actively monitored for effectiveness and patient safety after administration. In the majority of cases, it will be used on immunocompromised people and can be used on unvaccinated people. He proceeded to inform the Committee that the three new Covid therapy drugs have shown some promise based on clinical trials.
He noted that there is limited availability of these drugs for 2022 and therefore the importance of pre ordering is required. It was noted that as one of these is an infusion drug, there may be a preference for hospital setting for monitoring and patient safety reasons. CCO agreed to provide a report for the next meeting to update the Committee on this matter.
A briefing was also given by the CCO with regards to the impact that the pandemic is having within BreastCheck, he informed the Committee that BreastCheck will remain operational for women who have commenced their screening journey and will reduce new invitations on a cautionary basis for the next 2 weeks; reviewing the situation and adapting weekly until the surge of cases becomes more stable. All units report some reduction in staffing, but screening is being maintained during this wave.
He noted that all cancer services continue to operate, with ongoing challenges in relation to staffing absences owing to COVID-19 and related isolation. CCO updated the Committee on the latest developments relating to recognising, reporting, reviewing and learning from an Adverse Event in maternity care. A further report is to be provided at the next meeting to clarify some of the stats discussed by the Committee.
CCO advised that the Public Health Recruitment Programme is progressing. The changes will be implemented in waves as this will be a complete reform of the area. 34 priority posts will be in place by the end of June 2022, with priority focus on Health Protection and Area Consultants. The Saolta Group have advised that they have met to consider the recurring issues and themes from the range of reports and reviews relating to Letterkenny University Hospital.
The Hospital Group has agreed initial first steps to engage additional external support for the development and implementation of an appropriate change plan for the hospital.
CCO updated the Committee on the latest developments in the South Kerry CAMHS case. The Committee discussed the challenges identified such as a lack of supervision, inappropriate prescribing, and difficulties in recruiting clinicians at the time. CCO advised that a report on this matter was due to be published by Operations this month. CCO mentioned staff absence and explained that despite the derogation for staff it may become necessary to redeploy staff to resource vital service areas.
The Committee were informed of a new Safety Group that has been implemented to look at any safety issues relating to staff absence.