NIRP Chair joined the meeting.
The Committee were briefed on a review into the interagency care and treatment of a child who died by suicide.
The purpose of the review was primarily to ascertain if any learning could be gained that would inform the treatment and care plans for young people with similar presentations going forward.
Following the conclusion of the case the NIRP have highlighted five key recommendations including Intensive support service, the development of a case worker role within each CHO AREA, case managers, Parenting Capacity assessment and the importance of clear guidance been given, sharing of learnings from this case and the development of shared interagency reviews.
The Committee agreed that a single point case manager is fundamental in such cases as well as the importance of collaboration between Tusla and the HSE.
The Committee also discussed the importance of the role of Primary Care in providing support to both patients and families in such matters. The Committee discussed the value of developing learning notices and it was agreed that Professor Healy would consider the development of a learning pathway that would set out a more specialised approach and will revert on this at the next meeting.
Professor Healy briefed the Committee on a review of the NIRP Terms of Reference (ToR) and noted that the structure will broadly remain as is currently in place. The Committee requested that consideration be given with regards to aligning the timing of other processes such as HR investigations and proposed that, while very complex, all processes should be carried out in a timely manner.
The Committee also requested that the ToR set out the how wishes of service users and family in respect of publication of NIRP reviews are considered and it was agreed that Professor Healy will revert back to the Committee having also considered implementation of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act which is due to commence in June 2022.
NIRP Chair left meeting.