The Committee welcomed Geraldine Kilkelly to the meeting to present her experience of several issues which arose following heart surgery. Ms Kilkelly explained that she is also a nurse employed by the HSE. The three key themes that were presented were deteriorating patients, communication with patients and families, and the long-term effect on identity and work.
The Committee commended and thanked Ms Kilkelly for sharing her personal story, which was very powerful and important, and which captured her experience through the lens of both a patient and a healthcare professional. There was discussion about ensuring that appropriate systems and programs are in place to support staff in growing a culture of safety and quality for both staff and patients.
The Committee’s discussion also highlighted the effects and importance of ensuring that good communication structures exist when interacting with patients and their families, and that good communication has positive effects on patients’ sense of dignity and well-being.
The importance of the role of the National Communications Programme in training staff in how to communicate empathetically with patients was highlighted.
Patient Engagement Road Map
A presentation was made to the Committee on the implementation of the Patient Engagement Roadmap. This was welcomed by the Committee, noting that a working group has been established with both Patient and HSE representation and a budget allocation.
It was noted that recruitment for an Assistant National Director for this program is now at shortlisting stage.
The Committee requested that regular reports be provided to show implementation progress and agreed that this will be on the Committee’s April agenda for further analysis and discussion with regards to Terms of Reference.
Further clarification was requested with regards to the range of coverage (i.e. Children, Outpatients, people with disabilities, members of the travelling community etc.). The Committee also requested further discussion with regards to training and capacity building and levels of engagement within the RHA process.