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HSE response to the findings of the National Inpatient Experience Survey 2024: ‘Listening, Responding and Improving’

This report outlines the work underway to address the issues highlighted by participants in the National Inpatient Experience Survey 2024.



The HSE response report to the findings of the National Inpatient Experience Survey 2024 outlines the work underway to address the issues highlighted by participants in the National Inpatient Experience Survey 2024. Some 12,367 patients took part in the survey in 2024, sharing feedback on their experience of care in public acute hospitals across Ireland. The findings showed the majority of respondents (85%) rated their hospital care experience positively, with 58% rating their care as ‘very good’ and 27% as ‘good’. This detailed HSE response report ‘Listening, Responding and Improving’ outlines the quality improvement work already underway to address the issues highlighted by participants in the survey.

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