The COO Report, Operational Service Report (February Data), Performance Profile (February Data), National Performance Oversight Group (NPOG) Meeting Notes (February Data), and the PMO Report – Winter/NSP 2022-23, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, were noted.
The COO updated the Committee on the key strategic and operational updates outlined in the above documents, focusing in particular on Cancer Services, Unscheduled Care (USC), and Scheduled Care. In relation to Cancer Services, the COO advised that Prostate Cancer services at Cork University Hospital (CUH) have been escalated to joint National Director level and the Joint (NCCP/Acute Operations) Oversight Group continue to monitor and actively engage with CUH. The Committee sought an understanding as to why there was underperformance and the COO provided a high-level update and agreed that further information will be provided when cancer services comes to the Committee as a focus area later in the year.
In relation to USC, the COO advised that there are National Service Plan actions targeting USC and KPIs are improving. The COO acknowledged the work undertaken in Waterford University Hospital in the wake of the fire in Wexford General Hospital in March. A case study on WUH’s response to the urgent and emergency care has been proposed and the COO confirmed that it would be shared with the Committee when available. The Committee highlighted the importance of sharing learning gained from such case studies and queried whether this study would be shared with other services which are underperforming, and whether there are mechanisms to facilitate shared learning throughout the system. The ND Acute Operations advised of improvement programmes in place and planned and confirmed that implementation of such learning can vary between hospitals but the learning improvement process is linked to outcomes and KPIs. In relation to the USC multi-year plan, the COO confirmed that work is progressing with an aim to include it as part of this year’s Estimates process and an update would be provided to the Committee in the coming months.
In relation to scheduled care, the COO advised that although removals from waiting lists are trending above targets, additions to waiting lists have exceeded targets. The Committee highlighted the importance of understanding exactly the causal factors for increasing rates of referral and that the changing demographic and health profile of the population must be considered.
The ND Community Operations updated the Committee on community services contribution to access e.g. transfers of care, home care packages and residential placement. The ND also advised of ongoing negotiations in relation to a home care staffing tender process. The COO also presented data on Urgent Colonoscopy, National Screening Services, CAMHs and Orthodontic Services which was noted by the Committee.