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Committees of the board meeting minutes

HSE Planning and Performance Committee Meeting Minutes 16 February 2024

A meeting of the HSE Planning & Performance Committee was held on Friday 16th February 2024 at 9:00 via video conference.

Meeting details

Committee Members Present

Fergus Finlay (Chair), Sarah McLoughlin, Joan Johnston, Sarah Barry (left approx. 10:00, re-joined approx. 12:20), Anne Carrigy, Brendan Whelan.

HSE Executive Attendance

Damien McCallion (COO), Tony Canavan (CEO Saolta Hospital Group), Joe Ryan (ND Operations Performance and Integration), Orla Treacy (Operations Performance and Integration), Niamh Drew (Deputy Corporate Secretary), Rebecca Kennedy (Office of the Board).

Joined the Meeting

Mark Brennock (ND Communications - Item 2.3), David Walsh (ND Community Operations – Items 2-4), Sheila McGuinness (Director of Access - Items 5-6).

Minutes reflect the order in which items were considered and are numbered in accordance with the original agenda. All performance/activity data used in this document refers to the latest information available at the time.

1. Committee Members Private Discussion

The Committee held a private session to review the agenda, the relevant papers and approach to conducting the meeting, noting that the focus of the meeting would be to receive updates on key items and to suggest relevant actions as they became apparent.

2. Governance and Administration

2.1 Declarations of Interest

No conflicts of interest were declared.

2.2 Minutes of Committee Meetings

The Committee approved the minutes of 17 January 2024.

2.3 Matters for Noting

i) Annual Report 2023 Timelines

The Committee noted a paper submitted by the Strategic Planning team which outlined the proposed timelines for the Annual Report 2023.

2.4 HSE in the News

ND Communications joined the meeting

The ND Communications provided the Committee with an update on current HSE media coverage, particularly in relation to the transfer of service provision by St John of Gods to the HSE, National Service Plan 2024 and trolley numbers in University Hospital Limerick.

ND Communications left the meeting.

3. Performance Oversight

The COO Performance Report and Performance Profile (December Data) which had been circulated prior to the meeting, were noted. There were no NPOG minutes for consideration by the Committee as the February NPOG meeting was cancelled due to operational pressures. The Committee noted that the latest performance information relates to December 2023 but due to the FORSA industrial action data is unavailable for Finance, Older Persons, Primary Care/ECC, PCRS, Palliative Care, Mental Health, Disability, Social Inclusion, HIPE, Acute HCAI (partial), Cancer Services RACs (partial) and Absenteeism. The industrial action is now suspended since 7th February and outstanding data will be provided centrally to facilitate completion of reports.

The COO updated the Committee on the key strategic and operational updates outlined in the above documents, focusing in particular on Urgent and Emergency Care, Therapy Waiting Lists, Cancer Services, and the Performance Accountability Framework 2024.

In relation to Urgent and Emergency Care, the Committee noted that 8 Hospital/CHOs remain formally escalated to the National Directors under the Performance Accountability Framework (PAF) as the level of improvement required has not been achieved. The COO advised that Performance notices were issued, and all hospitals are now on improvement trajectory with a focus on improvement and stabilisation.

Regarding Cancer Services, the Committee discussed Cork University Hospital and noted that its improvement plan has now been accepted. The Committee requested that expected timelines for improvement of Cancer Services KPIs are included in the COO Report going forward. In response to questions from the Committee in relation to continuation of cancer services during the roll out of the Health Regions, the COO advised that there should be minimal impact on services response times but he will raise this with the NCCP to provide reassurance.

In relation to CAMHS, the Committee queried whether Dr Séan Maskey who produced the South Kerry CAMHS Review has any oversight of its implementation. The COO advised that he is not aware of any ongoing contact and that the recommendations of the review formed an improvement plan which is monitored on a monthly basis and further details can be provided at a future meeting.

The Committee discussed the upcoming Commission on Care for Older Persons which is due to be established in line with the Programme for Government. The importance of HSE representation at this Commission was emphasised by the Committee and the COO agreed to provide more information on its membership at a future meeting.

The Committee were advised that work is in progress to develop the Performance and Accountability Framework (PAF) 2024 cognisant of the organisational changes, including appointment of Regional Executive Officers which have been or are being appointed within next two months. The Committee noted that the National Performance Oversight Group would be stood down from April and there will be interim arrangement for performance oversight with the Health Regions during the transition period, April to August. In September, the performance oversight process will be formalised into new permanent arrangements under the auspices of a revised PAF, where the REO, CCO and National Director National Services and Schemes performance will be from the CEO supported by the various National offices and the new Centre leadership team.

4. Roadmap for Service Improvement 2023 – 2025 Disability Services for Children and Young People

The ND Community Operations updated the Committee on the Roadmap for Service Improvement 2023 – 2025 Disability Services for Children and Young People (the Roadmap) and the Committee noted the Quarterly Progress Report which had been circulated in advance of the meeting. The Quarterly Report outlined progress achieved against actions of the Roadmap, though this progress had been significantly impacted by FORSA industrial action.

The Committee discussed the recruitment being carried out to implement the Roadmap and queried whether assistance such as additional training will be available to multidisciplinary teams to enable them to work to their full potential. The ND Community Operations advised that there is ongoing discussion in relation to career pathways, which includes union engagement, underway and it has been recognised that staff will need to be supported in order to retain a competent workforce.

The Committee was advised that the HSE is considering the transfer of care between Regional Health Authorities as part of the PDS Roadmap implementation process.

ND Community Operations left the meeting.

5. Committee Focus Area / 6. Best Practice Projects

S McGuinness joined the meeting.

The COO and S McGuinness presented to the Committee on Reform of Scheduled Care. The Committee noted the paper, draft Waiting List Action Plan 2024 and outline of two best practice projects (Gynaecology Waiting List Management ULHG and Implementation of the Overweight & Obesity Pathway) which were circulated in advance of the meeting.

The Committee discussed in particular the Reform Initiatives outlined by S McGuinness which included provisions for Patient Initiated Review and Patient Centred Booking Arrangements and highlighted the importance of digitalisation for this area to see achieve maximum impact. Following questions from the Committee in relation to waiting list reduction, S McGuinness confirmed that any removals from waiting lists are subject to both administrative and clinical approval and the relevant GP is also informed as a further safeguard.

The Committee thanked S McGuinness for the presentation and expressed their full support for the work completed to date.

7. AOB

It was agreed that the Committee will not hold a regular monthly meeting in March and will instead join the Safety and Quality Committee for a meeting to consider mental health on 14 March 2024.

The meeting ended at 13:10.

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