2.1 Declarations of Interest
No conflicts of interest were declared.
2.2 Minutes
The Committee approved the minutes of 22 November and 10 December 2024.
HSE officials joined the meeting
The Chair of the Committee welcomed all HSE officials and advised that the Committee members had reviewed and noted the papers received relating to agenda items:
- Item 3.1 National Performance Report - November Data, Key Messages Briefing, and Supplementary NPR Report; and
- Item 5 SLT Monthly Reports: CPO Report; Access and Integration Report including Monthly Disabilities Report; CTTO Report; and National Services and Schemes Report
The Chair advised that the Committee had agreed that the meeting would concentrate on discussions with officials on the nature of the information being presented and how it could be enhanced to best serve the Committee’s remit, rather than discussing the papers.
The Committee outlined the linkage of the Performance Committee and the Strategy and Reform Committee with the Chairs of each Committee being members of both Committees, and that the responsibilities of the Committee are to review performance against the National Service Plan on behalf of the Board and to develop and refine performance reporting.
It was noted that the commentary reporting from the SLT was varied, and each SLT member provided an update to the Committee on their perspective of issues and challenges with regards to reporting to the Committee. The need to identify the real KPIs with commentary and the lack of good IT systems to report on community operations was highlighted, which the Committee were advised is being addressed, and the relationship between the National Performance Report and the Board Strategic Scorecard needs to be determined.
It was agreed that the Committee will refine what is required to be presented at meetings and will provide clarity to the SLT on this.