3.1 Briefing on new National Performance Report (NPR)
The Committee noted an update from the ND Planning and Performance on the new National Performance Report and associated performance management arrangements. ND Planning and Performance advised that the reform of the HSE’s structures means that accountability for the management and delivery of services has moved from the HSE Centre to the six REOs and to the National Director National Services and Schemes, reporting directly to the CEO. The role of the HSE’s Performance and Accountability Framework (PAF) and its impact on the contents of the new NPR were highlighted. The PAF will have four lenses - Quality, Access, People, and Finance - and approximately 60 priority indicators have been identified for the purpose of the HSE’s core performance reporting across these domains. The NPR will be submitted to the Performance Committee monthly after its consideration by the SLT.
The Committee discussed the new reporting structure and highlighted that once final pending amendments are agreed, any further changes made should be carefully considered as consistent measurement and familiarity with the data will be crucial.
3.2 National Performance Report
The NPR (October Data), Key Messages Briefing, and Supplementary NPR Report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, were noted. The Key Messages Summary provides additional commentary on national and regional performance against the KPIs reported in the NPR. The supplementary report provided more detailed hospital level data for: Urgent and Emergency Care, Scheduled Care, Cancer Rapid Access Clinic, and Urgent Colonoscopy.
The Committee requested that a full year performance review of 2024 be provided when possible in Q1 2025.