All performance/activity data used in this document refers to the latest information available at the time
The COO Report, Operational Service Report (November Data), Performance Profile (November Data), National Performance Oversight Group (NPOG) Meeting Notes (November Data), and the PMO Report – Winter/NSP 2022 -23, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, were noted.
The COO updated the Committee on the key strategic and operational updates outlined in the above documents. He reminded the Committee that as the data is from November, it does not reflect the pressures the service faced in the last number of weeks.
The Committee asserted that while the focus of capacity at an acute level is important, focus should also be put on providing beds in community settings. The COO advised of enhancements in community services being rolled out nationally, however there is a challenge scaling beds in the community due to the requirements for both replacement and additional beds. Regarding Integrated Care Programme for Older Persons (ICPOP), the COO advised that it is a well-structured national programme, however it needs to be developed further. The Chair requested a deep dive into ICPOP at a future Committee meeting.
The Committee discussed the effect of Covid-19 on service demand, and in particular on the upstaging of cancer as a result of people not accessing services to the same extent as pre-pandemic. Although there will be no data to make a concrete assessment on the impact of these delays for roughly 2 years, the Committee expressed concern about anecdotal reports of delayed cancer diagnoses occurring as a result of delays, Covid-19 and the aging population.
Regarding Ambulance Turnaround Times, the COO informed the Committee that a project has been established to improve performance between Acute Hospitals and the National Ambulance Service. Following a workshop that was held on Friday 9th December 2022, a clear action plan has been agreed. Updates will be provided to NPOG on a quarterly basis on progress against this plan.
In relation to waiting lists, the Committee advised it is important that the numbers published should be considered in context of the number of procedures which have been undertaken. The way the numbers are currently presented can make it appear that little progress has been made as numbers reflect new referrals and total numbers waiting but do not reflect people removed from the waiting list due to completion of their procedures. This was acknowledged by the COO. The ND for Acute Operations informed the Committee that to tackle capacity issues, planning is underway to undertake a high level capacity plan which was welcomed by the Committee.
The COO outlined the proposed next steps following the Mental Health Commission’s Interim Report on CAMHs. The Committee queried whether there will be a clear learning plan with time frames to implement the HSE recommendation in the report. The COO advised that additional recruitment is required in this area for change to be implemented and this is underway. He also advised that he chaired a Maskey Review implementation group with the CCO and there is a requirement to merge the learnings from that group with learnings from the CAMHs Report.