The ND Change and Innovation joined the meeting at 11:30am.
The 2022 Waiting List Action Plan, which sets the plan to improve scheduled care to enable more timely access and reduce the number of people waiting for services in line with the NSP 2022 targets, was circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting for consideration.
The Committee were informed that the 2022 Waiting List Action Plan focuses on delivering immediate reductions in acute hospital scheduled care waiting lists through increased activity to impact volumes, while building on the work done in 2021 to lay the foundations for longer-term reforms.
To address waiting lists in 2022, the plan has been developed by focusing on four key areas: under which 42 actions will be completed through the 2022 which includes;
- Delivering Capacity in 2022
- Reforming Scheduled Care
- Enabling Scheduled Care Reform
- Addressing Community Care Access and Waiting Lists
Through this Plan, €350 million is being allocated in 2022 to the HSE and the NTPF to provide additional public and private activity to further stabilise and reduce scheduled care waiting lists and waiting times, in tandem with bringing forward much needed longer-term reforms.
The Committee discussed the HSE’s relationship with the NTPF in relation to managing of waiting lists and highlighted the importance of communication between both parties to ensure the efficient management of waiting lists and to deal with any issues that may arise in a timely manner.
The Committee discussed the use of the private sector to deal with capacity gaps and demand. It was noted that to align more with the key objectives envisaged in Sláintecaire, investing in capacity and demand analysis to pin-point areas that have deficiencies and weaknesses, will offer more public system sustainability.
The Committee welcomed the Action Plan as a key first step on the journey to tackling long waiting times and working towards the maximum waiting times identified in Sláintecaire. The Committee highlighted the importance of strengthening references in the Plan in relation to issues and risks to more fully reflect the scale of the challenge associated with the delivery in 2022.
The Committee noted the implementation of the 2022 Waiting List Action Plan will be governed by the Waiting List Task Force, co-chaired by the Secretary General of the Department of Health and the CEO of the HSE, and with senior members of the Department, the HSE and the NTPF. The Committee highlighted the absence of references in the Plan to the formal role to be played by the Board in overseeing the delivery.
The Committee’s views will be reported to the upcoming special Board meeting to consider the plan.