Committees of the board meeting minutes

HSE People and Culture Committee meeting minutes 13 July 2023

A meeting of the HSE People and Culture Committee was held on Thursday 13th July 2023 at 9am on Microsoft Teams.

Meeting details

Members Present

Dr Yvonne Traynor (Chair), Brendan Whelan, Bernie O'Reilly, Deirdre Cullivan, Michelle O’Sullivan, Matt Walsh


Dr Sarah McLoughlin; Aogán Ó Fearghail; Colette Cowan, CEO UL Hospitals Group;

HSE Executive Attendance

Anne Marie Hoey (ND HR); Dr. Philippa Withero (AND Strategic Workforce Planning and Intelligence); Theresa Heller (AND HR Corporate Business Partner); Emma Finn (Head of Internal Communications); Niamh Drew (Deputy Corporate Secretary); Breda Moore (Office of the Board); Paula McShane (Office of the CEO).

Minutes reflect the order in which items were considered and are numbered in accordance with the original agenda. All performance/activity data used in this document refers to the latest information available at the time.

1. Committee Members Private Discussion

The Committee held a private session where the Chair provided a brief summary on the agenda, the relevant papers and approach to conducting the meeting.

2. Governance and Administration

2.1 Declarations of Interest

No conflicts of interest were declared.

2.2 Minutes

The Minutes of the People & Culture meeting held on the 12th May were approved.

2.3 Matters for noting

The Committee requested that going forward a shared Action Log be presented as part of the Committee pack.

3. Communications

3.1 Internal Communications Report

Emma Finn, Head of Internal Communications joined the meeting

The Head of Internal Communications provided a briefing to the Committee on activity within the internal communications team since the last update in May 2023. She informed the Committee that work continues on ensuring all staff can access the staff website and that work on redeveloping pension’s web content for staff is continuing. Work is underway, in collaboration with eHealth, on development of a new staff email system which would allow for categorisation of staff by location, discipline or area of interest. This will be important in the context of new regional structures. The system is being piloted in Naas and UL Hospital Group. The Committee requested that this issue be brought to the attention of the Chair Technology and Transformation Committee.

The Committee were briefed on communications in relation to the Staff Survey, Climate Action Survey, Health Excellence Awards, Grad Link and Pride Celebrations. The Committee discussed the importance of effecting cultural change and the role of internal communications in promoting cultural change. The Committee requested qualitative activity data in the report provided to the Committee going forward.

The Chair thanked the Head of Internal Communications for attending and congratulated the Internal Communications Team on receiving a special award at the PRII (Public Relations Institute of Ireland) awards ceremony in June.

4. HR BI Monthly Report

The ND HR presented her Bi Monthly report.

The ND HR provided the Committee with an update on the Public Only Consultant Contract (POCC23). She informed the Committee that interest in the contract is increasing. Implementation supports to progress uptake of the new contract include provision of guidance documents, webinars and briefings. Output from a medical manpower workshop held on the 20th June is being compiled to ensure leverage of the flexibilities in the contract is maximised. The Committee queried if there is a mechanism for measuring the success of the marketing campaigns in terms of POCC applications received. The ND HR agreed to consider mechanisms for measuring and provide this information to the Committee at a future meeting.

The ND HR provided an update on the implementation of the recommendations of the interim report of the NCHD Taskforce. Induction standards have been agreed with an enhanced induction for international medical graduates. Funding has been made available from the Dept of Health to support improvements in infrastructural standards e.g. provision of locker space, doctor’s accommodation etc. The Committee welcomed the update.

The ND HR provided the Committee with a briefing the number of staff employed in the disability service. The data provided demonstrated a net growth of 1843 WTE / + 10% across various categories of staff, the Committee requested that this information if required be made available, with commentary, to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. It was noted that the largest WTE increase at staff category is reported in Patient and Client Care. While HR continue to encourage recruitment in Disability Services, international recruitment is continuing but availability is limited. In addition, HR engages early with under-graduates to promote recruitment on graduation.

The Committee discussed the HSE percentage of staff employed who have a disability in the context of the statutory employment target of 3% for employment of persons with disabilities. The ND HR will draft briefing note for circulation on this matter. The ND HR advised that the HSE relies on staff to self-report. The latest Staff Survey showed that 15% of staff reported having a disability. The ND HR advised that analysis of the 2023 Staff Survey is currently underway and a detailed submission will be presented at the Committee’s September meeting.

The ND HR advised the Committee that the 2023 Health Excellence Awards is now open for applications. Finalists will present their projects to Selection Panels in October 2023, an Awards Event is scheduled for November 2023. The ND HR invited members of the Committee to take part in judging the applications and thanked them for their involvement in the past.

4.2 HR Dashboard

The Committee reviewed the HR Dashboard which had been circulated prior to the meeting. The May 2023 outcome remains strongly ahead of target. A recent direction from the CEO regarding a pause on recruitment of admin posts at Grade 7 and above, with provision for consideration of critical posts, will take some time to filter through as some appointments are already contracted. The Committee requested further analysis of how over recruitment occurred in some areas if posts are not approved. The ND HR will provide further information at the next meeting. The Committee asked that the hospitals/hospital group, where there was significant over-recruitment, be invited to provide explanation on the process for approval of recruitment where posts were above the approved target.

4.3 National Service Plan 2024 – HR Considerations Discussion

The ND HR advised the Committee that the planning process for the 2024 Service Plan has commenced. HR priorities include national HR support for RHAs, implementation of a new Public Service agreement once negotiated, changes to the working week, continued roll out of NiSRP, digitisation of the recruitment model, further development of the NCHD hub, improvements to payment of pensions, and continuing to promote compliance with mandatory training

5. Risk Management

5.1 CRR 009 Health, Wellbeing resilience and safety of staff

A briefing was provided to the Committee on CRR9 - Health, Wellbeing resilience and safety of staff.

6. Deep Dive

6.1 Health & Wellbeing

Dr. Grant Jeffrey, Director Workplace Health & Wellbeing Unit joined the meeting

The Committee was briefed on the services provided by the HSE HR Workplace Health & Wellbeing Unit which include Occupational Health, National Employee Assistance Programme, National Health & Safety Function, Rehabilitation, and Organisational Health. The Committee thanked the Director, Workplace Health & Wellbeing Unit for the update and suggested a update on trends and improved outcomes at a future meeting Dr Jeffery noted that there is a 4-6 week waiting time for services

7. AOB

The meeting concluded at 12.15 pm.

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