The CCO presented his monthly report to the Committee beginning with a COVID-19 update. The CCO noted that there has been a reduction in the 14-day incidence rate but the rate still remains highest among younger people. However, Ireland’s incidence rate is low compared to other European countries.
It was also acknowledged that Ireland has the highest rate of testing with 2343 tests per 100,000 of population. The CCO provided an update in relation to vulnerable groups, nursing homes, and schools.
The Committee discussed the recent announcement in relation to a potential COVID-19 vaccine and while this is welcome progress, it was cautioned that the relevant safety and approval process has not been fully completed yet.
The Committee sought clarification with regards to the planned approach to distribution when a COVID-19 vaccine becomes viable. The CCO will bring further updates on this matter to the Committee as they are available.
In relation to media reports that 600,000 flu vaccines had gone missing, the CCO confirmed that these vaccines are not missing and that each year there is a lag between payment for the vaccines and their delivery. He also confirmed that 50,000 flu vaccines are currently being held back from distribution until an assessment of where needs them most in completed.
The CCO briefed the Committee on an Interim Report on the on the Impact of “Cocooning” measures on older people in response to the COVID-19 and advised that this report would be made available before the end of the year. The Committee also noted the National Clinical Review on the Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Children and Guidance on Reopening of Schools and the Normalisation of Paediatric Healthcare Services in Ireland which was circulated prior to the meeting.
COO joined the meeting
The CCO briefed the Committee on the structures that have been established to implement the recommendations from the LUH gynaecological service review. An implementation group has been established and is working on the 50 recommendations from the report.
While the Committee welcomed the progress update, they queried what process would be undertaken to ensure that both lessons learned and controls are in place to prevent similar issues reoccurring in other areas nationwide. The COO confirmed that a national oversight group had been established to provide reports and updates on progress in relation to the implementation of recommendations. Further work has also been progressed in the development of national clinical guidance on the assessment of post-menopausal bleeding and the development of associated timelines. It was also noted that recruitment for a clinical lead is underway.
The Committee welcomed the update and they requested that they are kept informed of progress. The CCO confirmed that further analysis in relation to timelines for diagnosis of endometrial cancer was being carried out and he would update Committee when complete.