The meeting began with a presentation from the National Director HR which provided an update of the People Strategy Priorities and an update on the National HR Dashboard.
The National Director HR spoke to her report which provided an update and overview the people strategy priorities: Leadership and Culture; Employee Experience noting the WHO Healthy Workplace framework and model has been accepted by EMT, endorsed by the State Claims Agency and work has begun to design an implementation plan including robust stakeholder consultation and management; Capability and Talent, the ND HR informed the Committee on the success of the HSE Gradlink Programme; Workforce Planning noting the NSP 2021 and COVID-19 posts have 1,464 campaigns underway, 746 posts at offer stage and 3500 posts accepted; Evidence Knowledge & Service Design Integration, the ND HR discussed the progress made to successfully communicate and raise awareness of the Change Guide. The ND HR agreed to share the Change Guide with new Committee member D. Cullivan; Performance and Accountability noting guidance for performance accountability meetings were finalised in late 2020 and collection of data of performance accountability for Q1 2021 is currently underway; Network and Partner, the ND HR informed the Committee the implementation of the Corporate Centre Review has commenced and there has been a realignment to a number of teams. Staff Engagement, Culture Leadership Learning and Talent Management and Diversity Equality and Inclusion will now come under the Capability and Talent function within National HR Division. Following questions on this, the National Director HR assured the Committee she is working with the head of NRS to stabilise and improve HR and IT resources for the recruitment, pensions and personnel records functions. The National Director HR advised National HR has full support from EMT; e-HR and Digital Transformation, the National Director HR highlighted the successful implementation of NiSRP across all staff in HSE South East and East; HR Professional Services, the Committee were advised this will be discussed in more detail later in the agenda with a presentation from J. Delamere.
The Committee welcomed the new designed HR monthly report which is aligned to People Strategy 2019-2024. The Committee discussed the benefit of reflecting on the People Strategy following the impact of COVID-19 on the health service to ensure its scope can capture the current environment.
The Committee engaged in a discussion with the National Director HR on performance metrics, noting the HR Dashboard is a subset of the HSE’s performance metrics specific to HR. The Chair agreed to share the Board Strategic Scorecard with non-Board members of the Committee to provide background and context of the performance metrics of the organisation. The Committee requested more culture related aspects in the workplan and for the consideration of a culture audit. The ND HR informed the Committee the staff survey planned for 2021 will include relevant questions to capture culture.
The Committee discussed the National HR People and Recruitment Dashboard noting the 16, 000 additional posts, and work is progressing in this area. The Committee addressed the challenges of the COVID-19 third wave which led to further redeployment of staff, and staff absence rates for January will be much higher than December due to this., The National Director updated the Committee in relation to work ongoing to recruit vaccinators to assist the implementation of the vaccination programme. The National Director HR advised the media reports regarding the difficult recruitment process for vaccinators requiring junior cert results etc was not true and the specific media have since apologised for same. She also noted the CPL recruitment process is working well to process vaccinator recruitment campaigns.
Following concerns on the impact of COVID-19 on frontline and allied health professional recruitment, the National Director HR confirmed like last year, they will consider offering nursing graduates a permanent position alongside an international nursing framework. In terms of allied health professionals’ panels have been formed and plans are in place to secure placements. The National Director HR advised although it is difficult to forecast this for Q2 and Q3, the Managed Service Provider (MSP) contract approved at the March Board meeting, alongside an extended recruitment capacity will assist in addressing this challenge. The Committee were supportive of the plans in place and noted challenges that may lie ahead such as geographical recruitment.
The National Director HR advised work is ongoing to address the geographical recruitment risk and the Committee highlighted the Sláintecare consultant contract that is due to be approved by the Minister may help address the challenges discussed. The National Director HR assured the Committee that the recent recruitment of contact tracers and swabbers should be sustainable enough to release redeployed staff back to their original posts. The National Director HR provided a breakdown of the employment of consultants not registered in the specialist division of the Register of Medical Practitioners (non -SDR posts) noting the number is decreasing. Challenges such as historical permanent contracts in place that contribute to this list were discussed. The National Director HR advised there are protocols and controls in place to reduce non SDR posts from increasing. The Committee had concerns around such non SDR posts and the risk to safety and quality noting this is a very serious issue which is also a concern of the Safety and Quality Committee. The Committee will revisit this register at the end of the year to get assurance that the numbers are decreasing.