The Head of Digital Communications spoke to a presentation on Accessibility. The presentation was an overview of how the HSE is looking at making digital health information more universal, safe and accessible. The Committee was advised that there were too many websites, with approx. 85 different websites available, but these have now been reduced to 3, one for staff, one for stakeholders and one for the public. It was explained that the vision for 2022 is to build a new stakeholder website. This website will provide training, standards, support and technology to enable health services to communicate clearly with health service stakeholders about who we are, what we do, how we do it and how well we are doing it, in an accessible, easy to understand, easy to use, open and transparent way. All content on the website needs to be accessible by all users to meet accessibility legislation and standards as approx. 13.5% of the Irish population is registered with some form of a disability. The committee were advised of some assistive technologies such as Screen Readers, Real Time Captioning and Voice Recognition that can be used with the content supplied. During the Covid pandemic, all Covid and vaccination content was on one site which included sign language and subtitles for all videos. Print materials were also provided in multiple languages, with larger print, as well as Audio versions. A lot of progress has been made with the new site’s templates being fully compliant, the new accessibility statement, and accessible video and PDF guidelines in place. The next steps are to establish an empathy lab with social inclusion, secure a permanent accessibility researcher, migrate content onto new content management system and to make available a new accessible video platform. The Committee was advised that a lot of progress has been made with the website being benchmarked and results show that it has improved between 2017 and 2020.
ND Communications advised the committee on the Communications elements of the National Service Plan 2022. The Committee were advised that the Covid vaccine registration was done online and has proved very successful. It is planned as part of the NSP that funding will be requested to keep any online projects and communications going online as this is proving to be a valuable resource. The committee were advised of the plans to expand the press and media section to address out of hours, and that another AND post for Comms is being requested. A question about attracting and recruiting people for remote areas was discussed, where the Head of Digital Communications advised that the staff website is the best resource for this as it provides accessibility, portrays the information in the most positive way and has potential for impact. The committee was additionally advised that as part of the NSP, that funding for an extra 60 people will be requested, in order to continue the rate of development and implementation.