6.1 Bi Monthly Report
The ND HR presented her Bi Monthly report. The Committee were provided with an update on the HSE/IMO NCHDs agreement. The ND HR advised the Committee that as a result of the agreement NCHDs will see improvements in rostering arrangements, study and annual leave, training scheme allocations, relocations costs and payroll issues. A national group will oversee verification and implementation of measures to reduce NCHD hours, eliminate 24 hour shifts and achieve compliance with the Organisation of Working Time Act. The Committee welcomed the progress achieved on this matter.
The ND HR advised the Committee that negotiations have concluded in relation to a new public-only Hospital Consultant Contract – Government accepted the proposed new contract in December. The contract is currently with the representative bodies for consultation. The implementation date of the new contract is early February with date to be confirmed. Any consultants hired after this date will be employed under the new contract. It is not known how many existing consultants will sign up to the new contract and the HSE will be communicating with each hospital consultant to encourage uptake of the new contract.
The Committee commended the ND HR and her department on achievements in relation to amendments to the NCHD contract and the new public-only Hospital Consultant Contract and the level of recruitment completed in 2022.
The Committee was updated on the Work Life Balance Bill 2022 which aims to promote a better work life balance for parents and carers. There is a greater onus on managers to facilitate employee requests for part-time working, or an adjustment in their work schedule, to meet parental or caring needs. This may lead to staff issues in some areas.
The Committee was updated on payment of the Special Pandemic Recognition Award. The ND HR advised that 99% of statutory and Section 38 staff have received payment – this amounts to approx 138,000 employees. In relation to non HSE/Section 38 employees a contract for additional support to progress payments to this cohort of employees has been awarded. The contracted agency is working with the DoH and the HSE to progress payments to those encompassed.
The ND HR advised the Committee that year to date staffing level has increased by over 5400. The net increase in December was approx 500. The ND HR advised the Committee that 2022 was the highest year for recruitment. However, recruitment activity must take account of the requirement to replace staff who resign or retire etc. In normal circumstances this equates to circa 9,500 per annum but so far this year, this is running at a significantly higher level with a combined total for quarter 1, quarter 2 and quarter 3 of 10,500. Work is continuing at local level to engage with all 3rd level colleges to offer permanent contracts to all graduating nurse and midwives.
The ND HR provided a brief outline of Culture Programmes advanced in December under the new Developing Organisational Culture – A Guide for the Health Service Executive 2022. These included a team development day for 25 Nurse Managers in Roscommon Hospital which covered culture, leadership and effective team work. In addition, as part of Mental Health Strategy development - CHO 2 held a series of consultative workshops, with feedback from staff and service users.
The Committee was updated on the continued roll-out of NiSRP with roll out in the South on target for March 2023.
6.2 HR Dashboard
The Committee reviewed the National HR People and Recruitment Dashboard. It was agreed that data in relation to mandatory training should show the percentage for CHOs and Hospitals as the raw data does not give an accurate picture of compliance with mandatory training.
6.3 Progress report on Accountability Project
The ND HR advised that work is continuing with KPMG on the HSE Accountability Framework. A first draft report is due for review later in January.