5.1 Bi Monthly Report
The ND HR presented her Bi Monthly report.
The ND HR informed the Committee that the new public-only Hospital Consultant Contract is in place since the 8th March. The contract provides for greater flexibility with core hours now ranging from 8 am to 10 pm weekdays and 8 am to 6 pm Saturdays. She provided the Committee with an overview of the overall contract and informed the Committee that Local implementation groups have been set up in each CHO and Hospital Group. Briefing Webinars have been provided for staff. HR will commence writing to all Consultants advising what the new contract entails for them. The ND HR stated that the new contract is about the future of the health service. The Committee raised the recent report of a reduction in CAO interest in medicine and the impact this may have on future recruitment of doctors. The ND HR, whilst noting the reported fall in CAO interest in medicine, advised that CAO places for medicine remain oversubscribed.
The NDHR informed the Committee that the first national HR Conference will take place in April 2023. The purpose of the conference is to update HR staff from across the public health services on the movement to the Regional Health Authority (RHA) structure, to encourage networks and to support staff with practical and inspirational information. The Committee raised concern regarding a training and demand gap in relation to HSCPs. The NDHR advised the Committee that the HSE has made a submission to the Department of Health regarding Health and Social Care Profession (HSCP) requirements. The Health Service is facing sustained and significant demand for qualified health and social care professionals within its services. This demand will remain and become more significant. The submission identifies that there is not a sufficient supply of HSCPs within the domestic market and calls for a significant increase across all professions in 3rd level college places in Ireland. The HSE accepts this will require significant investment in the clinical infrastructure to support the clinical placements required.
Following on from a Committee request at the January meeting the ND HR provided data on staff compliance with mandatory training. The Committee raised concerns regarding low levels of compliance with areas such as cyber security training and requested that a further briefing be provided on this at the next meeting. The Committee welcomed high levels of improvements in other training areas. The NDHR agreed to feedback the Committee’s concern to the EMT and all services.
5.2 HR Dashboard
The Committee reviewed the National HR People and Recruitment Dashboard. The ND HR advised that recruitment monitoring will be against the target of 6,010 of WTEs.
The Committee requested further information on how the effectiveness of increases in recruitment in areas such as Management and Administration are being monitored. The ND HR confirmed that this is monitored through the monthly HBOG meetings and is reported on in to the Planning and Performance Committee
The Committee noted that one of the Ministers top health care priorities for 2023 is workforce capacity planning and effectiveness. The Committee sought further discussion with regards to how this is being achieved and a discussion was held on the HSE’s performance achievement tool. The Committee welcomed the briefing and noted the importance of the data provided in the Board Strategic Score Card under item 12 Recruitment and Retention.
5.3 HR Dashboard – Internal Management Data Dashboard
The Committee discussed the data in relation to the ratio of management/admin posts compared to clinical/frontline posts. The ND HR confirmed that 80% of admin staff are employed in frontline services which releases valuable clinical time and is critical to the support infrastructure of our hospital and community care services. Clinical staff have increased by 13,000 over the past 3 years and additional admin staff are needed to support these posts. The Committee noted the value of our admin staff in this regard.
5.4 Technology within HR
Ivan McConkey, NiSRP Lead joined the meeting
The Committee was updated on the status of the continued roll out of NiSRP. The South went live on Monday 6th March. 80,000 staff are now on NiSRP. Engagement has commenced with the West and North East to progress implementation in those areas. In addition, a Business Case is now in development which will establish the timing, benefits (monetary and non-monetary), resourcing requirements, costs and timing of NiSRP solution delivery to all Section 38 Agencies. This work includes engagement with all Agencies, further data collection, options assessment and preferred option selection with supporting rationale. It is expected that the initial deployments to these agencies will be in 2025 (noting as above that this is subject to further planning and review as part of the Business Case development process).
5.5 Pay & Conditions Benchmarking Exercise / Report
The Committee reviewed and discussed the data in relation to their request for a Pay & Conditions comparative benchmarking exercise across other jurisdictions.