3.1 Audit and Risk Committee
The minutes of the Committee meeting of 22 March 2024 were noted.
The Committee Chairperson provided a verbal report on the matters considered at the Committee meeting that took place on 12 April 2024 as follows.
The Committee were provided with an update from the Deputy Director, Comptroller & Auditor General (C&AG) on the progress to date of the audit for the year ended 31 December 2023 and discussed the matters that may be included in the audit cert.
The Committee received updates in relation to YTD Expenditure and the Health Budget Oversight Group, and the Chair highlighted the Committee’s concerns relating to the insufficient information provided on the YTD financial condition at this stage in the year, noting that it does not facilitate good financial governance. It was noted that this was due to the Fórsa industrial action, and the Finance team have worked hard since the end of the dispute to complete the 4 month ends to close out 2023, and that the March 2024 Results with the Q1 commentary will be available for the Committee’s May 2024 meeting.
The Committee received an update with regard to the Procurement Compliance Self-Assessment returns for 2023 noting that 88% declared compliant.
The Committee had considered the detail of proposed contracts and properties, and recommended approval to the Board.
The Committee discussed Service Arrangements (SA) between the HSE and its voluntary organisation partners funded under Section 38 and Section 39 including the issue of the increasing reluctance of a small number of larger Agencies to sign-up to a SA, which is an ongoing concern. The Committee welcomed the work each year by service managers in terms of attempting to get all SAs completed.
The Committee were provided with updates in relation to the HSE Management of Fraud & Corruption Policy; and the Implementation of the Healthcare Records Retention Policy.
The Committee discussed the review of the current resourcing model for the provision of legal services in the HSE, which had been commissioned by the Committee. The Committee were provided with a detailed summary of the findings of the Review which related to resources, capabilities, output and benchmarking. The Committee noted some recommendations in the report which were eminently sensible and should be pursued, but had some concerns with other recommendations, and requested management to consider further what is the best overall strategy for the provision of legal services. The CEO advised the Board that the report will be considered by the Productivity Unit.
The Committee considered and welcomed the Corporate Risk Register (CRR) 2024, and recommended it to the Board for approval.
The Committee were provided with an update in relation to the National Maternity Hospital at St Vincent’s University Hospital (NMH at SVUH) Programme and noted the status of key activities ongoing. The Board discussed the tendering process, the readiness to commence the main construction works, and the Programme Governance Mobilisation including the HSE role and the establishment of a new Programme Board, and it was agreed that a Board Strategic Focus would take place at a Board meeting in the coming months.
The Committee noted the Internal Audit Monthly report update and welcomed the Access and Cooperation Escalation Protocol, which is designed to address the risk of delay in completing planned audits.
3.2 Safety and Quality Committee
The minutes of the Committee meeting of 14 March 2024 and the Quality profile from the February data cycle were noted.
The Committee Chairperson provided a verbal report on the matters considered at the Committee meeting that took place on 18 April 2024.
The monthly Chief Clinical Officer’s report was presented to the Committee, which included a briefing on the DOH 7th National Healthcare Quality Reporting System Report 2021/2022 which highlighted where Ireland does well and where there is further work needed.
The Committee noted the key findings of the National Screening Service (NSS) Cervical Check Programme Report 2020-2022, which showed high numbers of women screened and young women showing high engagement with the programme. The Committee advised the CCO that it would be useful and important to include patient feedback as part of these reports in future.
The Committee also noted the HSE’s first national TB Strategy: Striving to End Tuberculosis - A Strategy for Ireland 2024 - 2030.
The Committee were updated with regard to the HSE Commissioned Independent Review of Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Service at CHI and Dublin Hospitals, with the first phase of the review, the risk assessment, expected in May 2024. The Committee advised the importance of being able to demonstrate continuity of care to the public and that surgeries are being carried out while this review is underway.
The Committee noted that a Clinical Lead to develop an updated clinical model of care for gender healthcare services has been appointed, and were updated on the National Doctors Training Programme - Medical Workforce.
An update on the proposed clinical governance operating model for the Health Regions was provided to the Committee and it was noted that the current form of the model is a management structure and its implementation will involve patient representatives.
The Committee was presented with research findings commissioned by NQPSD, the purpose of which was to ascertain patient/service user experience concerning open disclosure and perceptions of what’s important in shaping the patient experience of open disclosure, and discussed a possible need for culture change around open disclosure within the HSE.
The Open Disclosure Annual Report 2023 was presented to the Committee and a summary of key developments was noted, the Committee expressed its continued support for the implementation of the Open Disclosure Programme.
The Committee were presented on the work of the new National Simulation Office (NSO) and were advised that as new structures are developed in the Health Regions, there is potential for simulation to support the transformation of healthcare, improve patient safety, and the quality of care.
The Committee were provided an overview of the ‘Fiona’ Report, which outlined the NIRP review into the care provided by the HSE to a young woman known as Fiona, and discussed the potential for learnings from the Report.
3.3 Planning and Performance Committee
The minutes of the Committee meeting of 16 February 2024 were noted.
In the absence of the Committee Chair, Committee member Brendan Whelan provided a verbal report on the matters considered at the Committee meeting that took place on 19 April 2024.
The Committee received an update on current HSE media coverage, particularly in relation to good news stories, the tone of voice in media channels, and integration between regional and national communications.
The Committee were presented with the monthly COO Performance Report and Performance Profile (February Data), and noted that the Regional performance meetings had commenced.
Key strategic and operational updates were provided to the Committee with a particular focus on Scheduled Care, Urgent and Emergency Care, Cancer Services, National Radiology Review Steering Group and Working Group and Therapy Waiting Lists.
In relation to Therapy Waiting Lists, the Committee discussed the functioning of the current KPIs, and queried the mapping of the Health Regions and whether they are effectively aligned with the Children’s Disability Network Teams (CDNTs).
The Committee were presented with an overview of the Multiannual Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Plan 2024-2026; and the Urgent and Emergency Operational Plan 2024, and expressed its full support for the development of the multi-year plan and provided feedback on the draft. The Committee discussed delayed transfers of care were discussed and patient flow was highlighted as an area requiring focus.
The Committee were presented with the new Corporate Risk Register (CRR), and there was general agreement that the revision delivered a better document which will be more useful going forward.
The Committee considered the content of the draft HSE Annual Report 2023, and highlighted the need to emphasise patient involvement along with the theme of reform and commitment to improvement and made final suggestions which are incorporated as part of the Chairperson’s statements. B Whelan noted that the Annual Report 2023 was being presented to the Board later in the meeting.
3.4 Technology and Transformation Committee
The Committee Chairperson provided a verbal report on the matters considered at the Committee meeting that took place on 17 April 2024.
The Committee were provided with an update on the implementation of the HSE Prioritisation Framework for Transformation and noted that during 2023 the Framework was used as a support tool to identify priority service developments in preparing the National Service Plan 2024.
The Committee were advised that under the new HSE Structures, an Organisational Change Unit will be developed which will have responsibility for driving organisation wide transformational programmes, and discussed the key role that the new HSE Corporate Plan will play in the upcoming transformation process.
Board member Professor Deirdre Madden left the meeting.