6.1 HSE Internal Audit Plan 2025
The CIA provided a verbal update to the Committee and advised that he has reviewed the plan of auditable topics based on research, analysis and consultation with the IA Team, Senior Leadership Team, the Committee and other stakeholders, and also considered audits from the 2024 plan that were not started due to the non-cooperation notice. Taking into account the new accountability structures in the regions, the CIA is due to engage with the Regional Executive Officers and will then bring the proposed 2025 IA plan for consideration by the Committee to the February 2025 meeting.
6.2 Internal Audit Activity Report Q3 2024 (IA Reports and IA Recommendations Monitoring)
The CIA provided a report to the Committee which included Audit Activity and Plan Status; Key findings from Audit Reports in Q3 2024; Implementation of audit recommendations at 30 September 2024; National Performance Indicator; and open and overdue recommendations.
The Committee noted the update in relation to the Internal Audit Plan Status at 30 September 2024; with 16 audit reports issued in Q3 2024 and an outline of the key findings of those reports.
The Committee noted the moderate improvement in the audit ratings (Satisfactory, Moderate, Limited and Unsatisfactory), but highlighted their concern that circa 50% remain in the categories Unsatisfactory and Limited.
The Committee discussed a number of audit reports and requested that a focus be included in 2025 in relation to centralized contract management within the HSE and service providers.
The Committee considered the audit reports relating to Project Governance - eReferrals Project Centre and the Governance Audit – Service Introduction, and agreed that both reports be referred to the Strategy & Reform Committee.
In relation to the implementation of audit recommendations, the Committee noted that the overall open recommendations had reduced by 45 since Q2 2024, however, the timely closure of recommendations by agreed due dates, remains an ongoing issue, with the share of overdue recommendations remaining in excess of 80%. The Committee discussed the National Performance Indicator percentage rates and the issue of the co-ordination of recommendations in the regions relating to both Internal Audit and Risk. The CIA advised that a discussion had been held in SLT and that he will be meeting the REOs in in the coming week to agree a framework, and would further update the Committee at a future meeting.
6.3 Implementation of Global Internal Audit Standards 2024 & Compliance with the Code of Practice
The CIA advised the Committee that the revised Global IA Standards, organised into five domains, were recommended for adoption in 2024, with mandatory application from the start of 2025. The Committee noted that a self-assessment was carried out by Internal Audit which identified five elements with work ongoing to fully implement as soon as possible.
In relation to the Internal Audit Code of Practice, the CIA advised the Committee that a self-assessment for HSE IA on each of the 36 principles of the Code of Practice took place, and outlined the results and considerations that arose from it, which were noted by the Committee.
The CIA advised the Committee that the Internal Audit Division releases Internal Audit reports under Freedom of Information (FOI), on a quarterly basis after they have been considered by the Committee and the SLT. Further to a recommendation by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) he advised that the HSE will now publish a list of reports completed by its internal audit team on the HSE website, and if a report is requested it will be released without undue delay. The Committee welcomed the transparency of providing access to reports and discussed possible exposure of control weakness which could be exploited. The CIA advised the Committee that all reports go through the FOI process, which considers confidential information. The Committee asked for analytic data on the number of hits to the website page, be made available at a future meeting.