The CSO, CIO, CCIO, Interim AND Acute IT, and Chief Assistant Technical Services Officer joined the meeting at 14:45.
The CHI Chair, CEO and CIO joined the meeting at 15:05.
5.1 Contracts
The Committee discussed with the Executive management team how the CHI EHI will integrate with the overall HSE strategy for EHI across acute hospitals. In response to questions the CIO confirmed that ICT Capital funds are allocated within the overall capital plan in line with the capital requirements. He noted that the acute hospital division are responsible for securing the revenue funding for the programme, but that revenue allocation cannot be made until the service plan 2023. The CIO confirmed that DPER wanted only to progress with an EHR for CHI. As a result of this CHI re-developed a CHI ICT Implementation plan in 2019 to support the procurement and implementation of a separate standalone EHR for CHI.
The V/Chair welcomed the CHI representatives to the Committee meeting and thanked them for their time. The Committee discussed with the CIO and CHI Representatives the briefing papers on the Children’s Hospital Electronic Health Record (HER) procurement and implementation.
The CHI CEO spoke to the Committee on the development of the CHI ICT Implementation plan in 2019 to support a procurement and implementation of a standalone EHR for CHI. This process commenced in December 2019 and concluded in January 2022 with the selection of a preferred EHR vendor, EPIC. CHI is currently going through the process of seeking approval for the selection and to ultimately sign contract and implement the vendors solution within the new national children’s hospital and the connected satellite centres.
In response to members questions the CEO CHI confirmed the government approval was for the New Children’s Hospital only and not part of a wider national solution. The CHI CEO did however note that all the relevant documentation and learnings are available to any public body to draw down upon when they are required.
In response to questions on the functionality and access to the EHR system the CHI CEO confirmed that the system does provide access to external clinicians to access patient records from a remote location. This access will be monitored and controlled by CHI.
The Committee discussed with the CHI representatives the arrangement for oversight and delivery of the HER programme. The Chair of CHI confirmed the Board of CHI was satisfied that it had strong oversight arrangements in place to deliver the project.
In conclusion it was agreed that CHI would provide the Committee with formal written assurances in relation to confirmation that the CHI Board would be responsible for the oversight and delivery of the Electronic Healthcare Record and documentation of CHI’s risk assessment on EHR, including mitigations, key controls and Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”) to monitor risk. The CEO noted that a key dependency for the successful delivery of EHR is certainty around the opening date for the new hospital and it was noted that National Paediatric Hospital Development Board that has responsibility in this area.
The CHI Chair summarised the outcomes from CHI’s EHR Procurement including updated costs and impacts on the EHR Business Case. The Chair confirmed that the EHR Business Case has been approved by the CHI internal approval pathway which passed through the following bodies: EHR Procurement Working Group, Digital Health Steering Committee, and CHI Board.
The CHI Representatives left the meeting at 15:35.
The Committee reviewed with the CIO and ND Acute Operations the papers circulated in advance of the Committee meeting on the Medlis programme. The ND Acute operations advised the Committee that he had recently taken over as Chair of the Millennium Executive Governance group over this project. The benefits of the programme were outlined and the Committee discussed different aspects of the project, including the need to progress with CERNER over a number of sites, the move to a hosted vendor platform, and the ability for this project to deliver the agreed programme within the agreed resources.
The Committee discussed the need for further clarity and assurances on accountability for the programme. It was agreed that a further paper would be brought to the Committee addressing the clarifications sought by the Committee and further information on the risk management process and considerations for the programme.
- The Committee requested formal written submissions from CHI in relation to the various aspects discussed about the EHR.
- It was agreed that a further paper would be brought to the Committee addressing the clarifications sought by the Committee and further information on the risk management process and considerations for the MedLIS programme.
5.2 Properties
The CSO briefed the Committee on the following property transactions circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting for consideration;
- Proposed Disposal and Granting of lease of Lands at St. Ita’s Hospital, Portrane, Co. Dublin.
- Proposed 10-year lease of ‘Alvernia’, St. Fintans Campus, Portlaoise, Co. Laois.
Following consideration of the detail for both of the proposed transactions the Committee agreed to recommend the transactions to the HSE Board for approval.