3.1 Output of Controls Assurance Review Process 2021
The Committee discussed with the ACFO the Control Assurance Review Process 2021 update which was circulated in advance of the meeting.
The ACFO advised that as obliged by the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies 2016, the HSE has undertaken and completed a review of the effectiveness of the organisation’s system of internal control. This update concludes the 2021 Controls Assurance Reporting Process (CARP) and Internal Controls Questionnaire (ICQ).
The ACFO confirmed that the 2021 Controls Assurance testing and external verification process has been completed for all staff and that this process included appropriate enhancements to facilitate current Covid-19 remote working restrictions.
The Committee were provided with an overview of the key findings and recommendations from the review which identified six high priority findings in the areas of; ICT Control Environment, Payroll, Absence of a National Financial System, Procurement, Grants to Outside Agencies, and Local Control & Environment Issues - stock management.
The Committee discussed the ratings and prioritisation of the findings with regards to the handling of Cash. The Committee requested that the reporting details on page 14 of the report is re-worded to highlight the independence of the Internal Audit division within the HSE. It was noted that the review of effectiveness report forms a substantial part of the SIC and is provided to the C&AG In response to questions from the Committee on the learnings from this year’s process the ACFO confirmed that there would be further development of the Statement of Internal Control (SIC) and Effectiveness reports in terms of content, format and focus.
3.2 Health Budget Oversight Group Minutes
The CFO provided a verbal update to the Committee in respect of the current year to date financial position. Additionally, the CFO advised the Committee that a formal note of apology had been received from the DoH in relation to recent media articles and that the HSE considers the matter closed.
However, the HSE and DoH have agreed to work in collaboration to ensure that a clear pathway of communication and reporting is agreed going forward. The CFO agreed to keep the Chair informed as to the status of that ongoing engagement.
3.3 Draft Annual Financial Statements (AFS) including the draft Statement of Internal Controls
The ACFO and the AFS Manager presented the draft AFS for review by the Committee. The Committee expressed satisfaction with the standard of the draft. The draft AFS has been submitted in line with the DPER Code to the C&AG and to the DoH on 28 February 2022 and will be presented to the Board for adoption at its meeting on 25 March 2022.
The Committee discussed key issues impacting the financial statements with the ACFO and AFS Manager including the treatment of PPE inventory, the review of 2020 accruals and provisions and the position in regards to the material potential debtor arising from VAT charges which the HSE considers to be recoverable on the basis of tax advice.
The Committee made some suggestions to the ACFO in relation to the current draft statement of internal control (SIC) which had been circulated in advance of the Committee meeting. The ACFO advised that the statement had been written considering the context of the on-going COVID-19 environment in 2021.
The Committee noted that the Statement of Internal Controls Report was completed and provided to the C&AG and that the final version may be impacted by findings arising from the on-going audit of the 2021 financial statements.
3.3.1 Review and Validation of the HSE Non-Pay Accruals (NPA) AFS 2020
The Committee discussed the briefing document on the Review & Validation of the HSE Non-Pay Accruals (NPA) AFS 2020 which was circulated in advance of the meeting.
The ACFO advised the Committee that the National Finance Division (NFD) had conducted a detailed assurance review of NPA accruals which are a subset of total creditors as at 31/12/2020. The Committee were informed that the review was conducted to provide additional assurance around HSE working capital and cash management processes arising from engagement with colleagues in the DOH and DPER.
It was noted that the review was intended to inform a future work-stream in relation to the preparation for IFMS but was accelerated during 2021 as part of enhanced working capital and cash reporting. The Committee were advised that the review identified that a number of aged prior year accruals and provisions were deemed to be no longer valid and were therefore written back in the draft AFS 2021 and treated as a prior period adjustment. The ACFO noted to the Committee that the majority of the findings were confined to one HSE geographic area incorporating National, Community and Acute Hospital services.
Additionally, the Committee noted that one specific CHO which forms a subset of the geographic area referenced also found over-provisions in the areas of pay and grants to outside agencies which were outside the wider scope of the review.
Following further discussion, the CFO explained that the nature of the resulting adjustment is that it will reduce the level of reported expenditure and not increase it and that no additional funding is required by the HSE as a result of this adjustment.
The Committee asked that consideration be given to providing a more detailed explanation in the notes of the accounts explaining what a prior year adjustment is. The CFO agreed to provide a further update to the Committee focusing on root cause, learnings and recommendations going forward arising from the findings of the review.
- the CFO will provide further information to the Committee focusing on root cause, learnings and recommendations going forward arising from the findings of the review
- the Committee asked that consideration be given to providing a more detailed explanation in the notes of the accounts explaining what a prior year adjustment is.
3.4 KPMG Tracker Report update
The Committee considered with the Head of Procurement the KPMG Tracker Report update circulated in advance of the meeting.
The Committee noted the contents of the tracker and that the implementation of the seventeen recommendations are ongoing.
It was agreed that a further update will be brought to the Committee outlining actions targets and deliverables for each recommendation.