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Event management guidance for in-person events

Event management guidance for HSE staff.


For the majority of events, the host service will have responsibility for managing and organising the events supported by HSE Communications and Public Affairs as required. Events vary widely and the type of event can dictate the input required from Communications and Public Affairs as well as any PR work, guest list, venue and type of reception.

This document will assist staff involved in organising events such as official openings, launches of reports and policies, presentations, and anniversary celebrations. One of the first actions when organising an event or opening is to notify the REO and other appropriate senior managers in the region and the Regional Director of Communications.

1. Date, Time and Venue

A suitable date, time and venue for the event should be identified as far in advance of the occasion as possible. The proposed details should be sent to the REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager/ Head of Service as appropriate.  This is to ensure that he/she can be present, or represented, at the event. The Regional Communications Director should also be notified.

The details can then be confirmed and the date placed in people's diaries. A representative from the host service should be designated to manage the event and to act as a key liaison with the Regional Communications Team (if they are involved). 

2. Site Visit

A site visit should be carried out with the host service representative and nominated Regional Communications lead for the event (if they are involved). If necessary, carry out a walk-through prior to the invitations going out. This will help determine:

  • capacity and layout for the event,
  • requirements for any third party equipment e.g. presentation equipment, PA system, stage, podium, backdrop and directional signage.
  • parking availability, entrance and exit routes, access for people with a disability etc. should be considered.
  • if a private space is required to accommodate any scheduled / unscheduled meeting requests/discussion from attendees/advocacy groups etc.

For larger events, you may find it beneficial to conduct a second walk through with third party suppliers on site to ensure they can provide the services required within the space.

3. Event Schedule

An event schedule should be compiled detailing the time and sequence of events as they occur, this can include:

  • Time by which guests should be assembled on site in advance of event
  • Time of arrival of the dignitary: it is advisable that the REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager/ Head of Service, together with a designated person from the host service, welcome and accompany them throughout the visit.
  • Tour of the facility: the dignitary may wish to tour the facility and any surrounding facilities / services if time allows. Be aware that tours require an appropriate amount of time allocated to them. Service users, patients and members of the public should be advised in advance if a tour will take place during their appointment. Tours/visits should not interfere with service user appointments.
  • Speeches: the advised sequence of speeches is outlined below.
  • Media: photography opportunities and media interviews.
  • Refreshments/reception: food supplied should have a range of healthy options such as fruit juice, healthy sandwiches/wraps and fresh fruit. Please note it is not acceptable to serve alcoholic refreshments at official HSE events.
  • Departure: the guest of honour should be accompanied to their vehicle on departure by the host and other dignitaries.

4. Guests

The proposed guest list, including guests of honour and dignitaries, should be put together by the host service. This should be approved by REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager/ Head of Service as appropriate prior to any invitations being distributed. The host service should modify the guest list according to the capacity of the venue.

The REO must be informed in advance if the President, Taoiseach, a Government Minister, Minister of State (Junior Minister), or Dáil Deputy is proposed as guest of honour. A proposal to invite any President, Taoiseach, and Minister must be notified in advance to the office of the HSE CEO. Invitations should be issued from the Office of the REO or Office of the CEO. There is a HSE Communications and Public Affairs Guidance for Political Visits available to assist with political visits. The following is an overview of possible guests and is not a prescriptive list.

  • Invited Dignitary: The guest of honour who may officially open or launch the event e.g. President, Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Government Minister, Mayor/Cathaoirleach, HSE Official, CEO etc. The dignitary should be invited 6-8 weeks in advance of the event so as maximise the opportunity to place the date in their diary. Once s/he accepts, other guests can then be contacted. Consider designated seating for any guests of honour.
  • HSE Staff: REO/relevant member of the Executive Management Team, Integrated Healthcare Area Managers, Head of Service / Division, HSE Estates representatives (if applicable), and staff involved in the service / event / launch (ensuring service continuity).
  • Service Users / service user representative: If applicable, service users should where possible be contacted in advance to notify them of the visit and to seek consent for their involvement.
  • Local Politicians: Regional Health Forum Chair and/or members, local Oireachtas members (T.D.s and Senators), Cathaoirleach/Mayor, County Council Chairperson, elected councillors for the ward/local authority areas; MEPs.
  • Project Contributors: partners relevant to the project e.g. on-site/local GPs and pharmacists, donors, sponsors, architects, builders, property owners, management companies, local Council department representatives etc.
  • Interested Groups: community groups that have a connection to the services e.g. public services (e.g. planning department) / voluntary organisations / advocacy groups, local religious representatives / community groups.

5. Invitations

Once the guest list has been finalised, invitations should be sent out from the REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager/ Head of Service as appropriate. This should be done at least 2 - 4 weeks in advance. The following information is an example of information that may be included:

  • Official greeting (e.g. ‘Dear…. You are cordially invited to…’)
  • Title of / reason for event
  • Date and time of event
  • Location of event (including Eircode)
  • Parking facilities and/or public transport options
  • RSVP address and deadline, the RSVP address is to the host service
  • Request for any dietary requirements or allergies, if applicable
  • Notice that the event may take place outdoors, if applicable
  • Notice that invitations are limited / attendance is by invitation only (determine if representative is required if invitee cannot attend)
  • Notice that all relevant public health guidance should be followed
  • Notice that photography/filming/recording will be taking place at the event. (Alternatively, this can be done by placing notices on the wall of the location where the event is being held).

6. Media

If required, the Communications Team will compile a press release with the host service. Background information must be provided by the host service. Further information regarding the event may also be included in a digital press pack for the media.

If media are invited to the event, they may be required to register prior to attending. The Communications team will contact and invite appropriate media to the event and will handle any media requests (arrange interviews, quotes, press briefings, copies of dignitary's speech etc.) during/after the event.

7. Corporate Style

When organising an event, it is important to be aware that it is ultimately organised by the HSE. Therefore, the event should clearly publicise that it is a HSE event through use of its logo. The Communications Lead will ensure that all documentation meets the HSE Visual Identity standards and Official Language Act requirements.

8. Photography and Filming

The Communications Team will arrange a photographer / videographer for the event if required in addition to inviting press photographers (if required). The host department will meet the costs of any external photography and a purchase order is required from the host service in advance.

Invited guests should be notified in advance that photography / filming will be taking place if applicable. Place a few notices around the venue advising that filming and photography is taking place. Consent forms should be completed by relevant staff / service users and guests as required. It is the responsibility of the host service to collate and keep a record of these forms with the support of Communications if appropriate.

9. Speeches

The Communications Team in consultation with the host service can advise on speeches for the REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager/ Head of Service as required. It is recommended that there should be no more than 2-3 speeches per event, lasting no more than 3-5 minutes per speech.

The order in which speeches will take place should be detailed in the Event Schedule. This may vary but usually begins with a welcome/introduction by the Senior HSE Manager as agreed in advance. This is followed by the dignitary launching or /opening etc., finishing with the host service putting forward some words of thanks to the dignitary, staff and the guests. The host service manager or senior HSE manager attending would normally act as master of ceremonies for the launch.

10. Briefing Notes

Background briefing information may also be required for the dignitary / REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager/ Head of Service regarding the event. The host service should forward this information to the relevant office at least two weeks prior to the event and always within the timeframe specified.

Government Ministers and Departments have a standard format for briefings, generally called an event template. The host service must return this to the relevant office and the Communication Team can advise on the content.

11. Other arrangements to be co-ordinated by the host service

There are also some other arrangements, which you should be aware of. These can include the following:

  • Seating arrangements for the speakers and guests including name signs for dignitaries if required
  • Indoor events need to ensure that any relevant currently public health and Government guidelines are followed. If in doubt, contact the Regional Public Health department for current advice.
  • Sign in desk at entrance to event; staff to meet and greet, distribute lanyards/name tags (if in use), and sign in sheet should be filled out by each attendee. Names should be crosschecked against the invitation list. This ensures that only invited guests attend. The list can be used to follow up with guests post even if sharing slide decks etc. Pop-up banners, plants or flowers to decorate the launch area if appropriate.
  • Podium, microphones and bottled water for the speakers.
  • Plaque and wording on plaque, in the event of the opening of a building, please ensure that the plaque meets the Official Languages Act requirements. Allow enough time to agree the wording, have translations carried out, and to order the plaque from appropriate supplier.
  • (Plaque can be mounted temporarily in a location for ease of photo opportunity / attendees involvement)
  • Curtain for unveiling of plaque.
  • If the facility has flagpoles please ensure the Irish flag / HSE flag / EU flag are flying as appropriate if a dignitary is visiting the facility.
  • If you require the use of HSE stands or banners please ensure you check availability with the local Communications and Public Affairs lead and collect well in advance of the event. . Cutting of a ribbon; in the event of the opening of a building, please ensure you have ribbon and a scissors.
  • If the event is on a building site, you may need to arrange for hard hats and high visibility jackets. If it is raining or forecast for rain please ensure that the builder has boards laid down if the site is muddy and that umbrellas are available to guests.
  • If it is a photo opportunity for contracts, please ensure that a contract/mock contract is available for the photo shoot.
  • Please ensure that all infection control standards are followed, for example, in clinical areas visitors should sanitise their hands, ties need to be tucked in and long sleeves need to be rolled up. Some areas may require PPE to be worn.
  • Information pack for guests (if appropriate); a souvenir booklet may be produced to mark major developments for example a new hospital or a significant anniversary of existing premises. If it is a conference you may want to share a hashtag with the attendees and have posters with the hashtag around the venue so the attendees can get involved or follow the conversation online.
  • A presentation of flowers/gift to the dignitary (if appropriate) is to be arranged by the host service.
  • Refreshments – guests of honour and dignitaries should be accompanied by the manager of the host service to the refreshment area and introduced to staff and other guests. Alcohol must not be served and there should be healthy food choices available.
  • Fire and safety procedures should be outlined to the guests at the beginning of the event.
  • Cloakroom facilities.
  • Car parking facilities: Car parking should be reserved for dignitaries and senior HSE guests. The Department of Health require a template to be completed if a Minister is attending including contact details for car parking.
  • Sign posting of the event (particularly if on a large complex).
  • Security arrangements if relevant, please notify an Garda Siochana in advance if a Minister/President/celebrity etc. is attending the event.
  • Where disabled persons are likely to be present, access, adequate space for wheelchairs and seating should be arranged. Similar arrangements should be put in place for older people, people with additional needs, pregnant women who might otherwise have to stand during the event.

12. Post event

  • Thank you letters/emails should be issued, where appropriate, to attendees.
  • If queries, issues are raised on the day by an attendee / attendees, they should be followed up as appropriate.
  • Evaluation of event could be conducted, a one pager of learnings to inform the organisation and running of future events.

Event management checklist

4-6 weeks in advance

  • Identify and circulate date, location and provisional event schedule with key people. Ensure venue is booked.
  • Invite dignitary (via REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager) and liaise on any special requirements.
  • Compile guest list / suggested dignitary and issue to the relevant REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager/ Head of Service and Regional Communications Director for consultation.
  • Book / order any third party event requirements – engraved plaque / ribbon and scissors, PA system, presentation equipment, podium, staging, backdrops, flowers/gifts, catering, catering supplies, photography etc.

2-4 weeks in advance

  • Draft invitation letter / email for issue from the REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager/ Head of Service to guests at least two weeks prior to the event.
  • Ensure service staff / service users are notified of the event in advance, and that consent forms for photography / video are collated.
  • Finalise event schedule / meet-and-greet list and assign responsibilities for the run up to, and day of, the event.

1-2 weeks in advance

  • Send background details for event briefing notes, speech material, photography brief, seating orders and press releases to the Communications lead at least two weeks prior to the event.
  • Communications lead to issue invitation to the media if appropriate.
  • Check on all final arrangements with REO/Integrated Healthcare Area Manager/ Head of Service as appropriate.
  • Check on all final arrangements with dignitary's office.

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