Sláintecare - our strategy for improving Ireland's healthcare system
Sláintecare is the HSE and department of health's overall improvement plan and strategy for reforming Ireland’s health and social care system.
We’re building towards equal access to health services for every citizen. This will be based on individual patient need and not individuals’ ability to pay.
Instead of the 2-tier system Ireland has at the moment, we’ll have one universal health service for everyone. It will be able to provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
Helping you in your home and community
One of the main aims of Sláintecare is for people to stay healthy in their own homes and communities for longer.
We’re doing this by developing and improving primary and community care. This is the care people can get without having to go to hospital.
The 6 new HSE health regions we’re establishing will help us do this.
Each region will plan and deliver the health and social care services needed in their area. We call this ‘integrated care’. Integrated care covers care you would receive in a hospital or in your community.
Find out more about how the health regions will improve care
How we plan and report on improvements
The HSE publishes an action plan each year that sets out the priorities and actions for the next phase of Sláintecare. An end-of-year report then shows the progress we've made on these actions.
You can also read the full implementation strategy for 2021 to 2023. This explains the overall priorities for those 3 years and the programmes that will run each year to deliver them.
Read the 2023 Sláintecare action plan
Read the 'Implementation Strategy and Action Plan 2021- 2023'
Our previous plans and end-of-year reports
The Sláintecare action plans and end-of-year reports for previous years show the reforms and improvements that have been made so far.
Due to the pandemic, there was no action plan or end-of-year report for 2020.
Find out more about Sláintecare
You can find out more on the Sláintecare hub.
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