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National patient surveys

National patient surveys help us get feedback from the people who use our services.

The surveys show us ways to improve, based on the real experiences of hospital patients and people using other health services.

Read about all the surveys related to patient care on The National Inpatient Experience Survey -

The National Inpatient Survey

The National Inpatient Survey takes place over a month every year.

Everyone aged 16 or over, who has spent 24 hours or more in a hospital and is discharged during the survey month is asked to take part.

Patients are asked about every aspect of their hospital stay, from confidence and trust in staff, to care and treatment on the ward, and the information and support they were given when leaving hospital.

Patients share their experiences and tell us what improvements they think are needed.

The survey responses help us to develop our improvement plans for hospital care across the country as a whole, as well as for specific hospitals and hospital groups.

They’re also used to make decisions about:

  • Ireland’s national healthcare policy
  • the monitoring that the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) will do - HIQA is an independent organisation that inspects health and social care services in Ireland

National results -

Nursing Home Survey

The National Nursing Home Experience Survey is a national survey asking nursing home residents and their relatives or friends about their experiences of nursing home care in Ireland.

The goal of the survey is to help bodies that operate nursing homes, including the HSE, to learn from and understand patient and loved ones' experiences in order to improve the care provided.

About the survey: National Nursing Home Experience -

Maternity Bereavement Survey

The National Maternity Bereavement Experience Survey asks women and their partners about their experiences of maternity bereavement care.

The survey includes questions on diagnosis, admission, labour and birth, postnatal care, bereavement, discharge and follow-up care.

The findings of this survey help to improve the standard of maternity bereavement support and services in Ireland. It helps us to acknowledge what is working well and to identify areas that need to be improved.

About the survey: National Maternity Bereavement Experience -

Read our response to the latest maternity bereavement survey.

Partnering with patients - help us to improve our services

People are at the centre of how we work. These surveys are just one way we can listen to patients and people who use HSE services.

We encourage patients, people who use our services and their carers and loved ones to send us feed back about their experiences with the services we provide.

They can send feedback about your experience at any time through Your Service Your Say.

This is a beta version - your feedback will help us to improve it