Press release

HSE Response to Mental Health Commission Annual Report 2023

The HSE welcomes the publication of the Mental Health Commission (MHC) 2023 Annual Report today (Tuesday, 25 June 2024) and the acknowledgement that there has been a continued positive trend in some key areas that the MHC monitors. We acknowledge the key role of our HSE colleagues in the mental health teams across the country who have enabled these improvements. 

There has been significant investment in the last three years. As part of the capital budget €29.6 million was allocated in 2024, an increase from €27.32m allocated in 2023 and €17.91m allocated in 2022. There has also been year on year investment in a rolling minor works programme with a fund of €14m in 2024 (increased from €10m in 2023) available across both community and inpatient mental health services

We know there are areas needing further improvement, and HSE Mental Health is developing a detailed action plan in response to the MHC findings. This plan will be informed by engagement with the Health Regions and work programmes already underway to deliver on recommendations within Sharing the Vision, our National Mental Health policy. This action plan is due to be completed and shared with the MHC in July.

In line with the implementation of Sharing the Vision - a Mental Health Policy for Everyone, the HSE will continue to work with the MHC and invest in our Mental Health Services, enhancing our existing services and developing new services to cater for our population's increasing and emerging needs.

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