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Press release

HSE launches new person-centred planning resources to support the independence and decision-making of people with a disability

People with a disability who avail of adult disability services can now avail of new HSE person-centred planning resources to support them to make their own choices and decisions while helping them to plan for the future.

The resources, which are also available in easy-to-read format, include:

  • information on person-centred planning for adults with a disability
  • information for the role of families and circle of support
  • e-Learning module for staff with certification.

Speaking at the launch, Anne Rabbitte TD, Minister of State at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth said: “These resources will improve information, understanding and practices in person-centred planning in adult disability services to support people with a disability to live inclusive lives. The accompanying eLearning module support staff to use person-centred planning to make a real difference in the lives of people with a disability.”

Person-centred planning is grounded in a rights-based approach to the provision of services and supports. We all want to spend our days in a meaningful way – in our family roles, our jobs, with friends and in our valued social roles in the community. In adult disability services, this starts by getting to know the person first, building a trusting relationship and developing a person centred plan with each person. 

Bernard O’Regan, Assistant National Director, Disability Services, HSE said: “These resources build on the significant work in disability services to ensure each person’s service is based on a person centred plan that reflects the will and preference of the person supported. These resources are now available for the 21,000 people with a disability and their families who attend adult disability day services in over 1,200 locations around the country.”

Tommy Gorman, who features in the eLearning module, said: “My keyworker Catherine helped me and my circle of support to focus on my abilities and skills. I have a person-centred plan, and my own home, a job and friends.”

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