Applications for Higher Diploma in Midwifery Sponsorship Programme 2025-2026 open today
Published: 18 March 2025
The HSE is seeking general nurses to consider a career in midwifery.
Applications for the Higher Diploma in Midwifery Sponsorship Programme are now open.
The Higher Diploma will equip nurses with the necessary skills to progress their career in midwifery and make a difference to mothers, expectant mothers and their families.
The programme is a full time 18 month programme starting in September and is open to general nurses who are registered with the NMBI by mid-August.
Rima Gaveikiene, midwife working in Drogheda Our Lady of Lourdes, facilitated her 40th birth while a student of the Higher Diploma in Midwifery Sponsorship Programme four years ago, “I came to Ireland 20 years ago and worked as a general nurse. My dream was always to be a midwife and I was delighted to get the opportunity to commence the Midwifery Sponsorship programme.
“Although the programme was at times intense I successfully completed the programme with support of my children, family and friends. The day I held my Midwifery Diploma in my hands made it all worthwhile and I could fulfil my lifelong dream of supporting women in pregnancy, labour and looking after women and their babies following birth.
I gained lots of experience and learned many new midwifery skills working in the antenatal, labour and postnatal ward as well as specialist maternity services. I facilitated my 40th birth as a student midwife in the Midwifery-Led Unit and nothing compares to the feeling you get when you support women to bring new life into the world.
“I am currently working in the antenatal ward with a wonderful team of midwives. As in all healthcare, there are good days and bad days but I have more bright days. After a long, busy day, I feel a great sense of satisfaction when I know I have done everything I can in my role to ensure that the women I care for have a positive maternity and birthing experience. The hug and the smile of thanks at the end makes it all worthwhile.”
The programme is delivered by the following hospitals and academic partners:
- HSE West and North West: University Hospital Galway, Letterkenny University Hospital, Mayo University Hospital, Portiuncula University Hospital and Sligo University Hospital with University of Galway
- HSE South West: Cork University Maternity Group with University College Cork
- HSE Mid-West: University Maternity Hospital Limerick with University of Limerick
- HSE Dublin and North East: Our Lady Of Lourdes Drogheda, Cavan General Hospital with Dundalk Institute of Technology
Additional options are available at:
- The Coombe Hospital
- Rotunda Hospital in partnership with Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
- National Maternity Hospital in partnership with University College Dublin (UCD)
Selected applicants will be offered a minimum 18-month contract of paid employment for the duration of the programme and will be offered a permanent contract on successful graduation from the programme. The college fees for the programme are also paid by the HSE.
Dr Geraldine Shaw, Director of the HSE Office of the Nursing & Midwifery Services Director (ONMSD), said, “From the start of the training, nurses will actively participate in giving care appropriate to their level of knowledge and practical experience, with the supervision and direction of a registered midwife. In partnership with women, you will learn how to provide safe, competent, kind, compassionate and respectful care.
The recruitment and retention of midwives is a key priority for us. I’d encourage nurses to consider the sponsorship programme that opens today. It is an academic programme which will equip them with the necessary skills and experience to take the next step in their career.”
For more on how to apply and eligibility details for the Higher Diploma in Midwifery Sponsorship Programme visit
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